Security and Obscurity

If you do not know the password but know how to use the password to gain access to something that was secured using this password, then this is security by obscurity.

On the other hand, if you know the password but do not know how to use the password, then this is obscurity by security.

(Sources of inspiration: The Butterfly DreamCategory Theory’s reversal of rows.)

Nandor's Exhaustive Chemical Words Pages

Few days ago I wrote about pangrams and today I saw in Slashdot another way to play with words – build them from chemical symbols. I think it would have been more interesting if chemical formulae and chemical reactions could be used rather than just chemical symbols. However I do not see any competitor to Perl Poetry.

One goat kid, one goat kid

One who knows?
One I know.
One world.

Two who knows?
Two I know.
Yen and Yang. Fractal duality.

Three who knows?
Three I know.
The basic linguistic concepts of subject, verb and object. The IDF tradition of dividing everything into three parts. The RDF triplet for linking two concepts together.

Four who knows?
Four I do not know.
Four only Arthur Clarke and his story-whispering extraterrestrial ghosts know.

Infinity who knows?
Infinity I know.
Infinite is the world.

Yes! We have no bananas!

Yes! We have no bananas! Also, you can have both tea and no tea. However, you will be requested to leave your common sense to the loving care of your spouse.

Recently, there was a discussion in the Israeli Python mailing list about teaching the concept of a null string to schoolchildren in a Python course. The surprising thing is that in the world of Python and other programming languages, you can have both a string with characters and a string with no characters (“null string”), as long as they are assigned to different variables.

Few years ago, there was a Linux installation party in an obscure Israeli city. The compulsory trashcan got the label “/dev/null” (it was my own proud hand which wrote those fateful letters), and when it was emptied, someone took a shot of its location and labelled it as “/dev/null unmounted”.